Constantly inspired by what is around us, curious to learn more. We work to find our center then we keep going West.

West Of center is where our community is. A community of explorers. Of rebellious thinkers. Of deeply rooted daydreamers. Of passionate learners. One-of-a-kind people.

10 Questions with Hannah Westly

Hannah Westly is a social worker, writer, painter, and sister of founder Taylor Westly.

Hannah, you are studying to be a social worker in the midst of a global pandemic. What is it that you are passionate about, that calls you to wake up every day?

I think my mission here in this life is to heal myself and then offer up the lessons I’ve learned to those that need them. What that looks like is uncertain because I’m still working on recognizing what needs healing. Not just what’s not “normal” but what about my beliefs about myself and the world is suboptimal. One of my teachers, Dr. Del Villar, said that you have to learn how people perceive you and then use that to flip the script, to disorganize people’s ideas of you. So I think that finding ways of healing and offering healing that acknowledges my positionality as a white cis woman while departing from what that has traditionally meant is how we will ultimately grow in the direction of systemic change. Right now I’m in a social work master’s program but have continued to explore my passions in herbalism, spirituality, and writing. I love to imagine a future where these all intersect.

Social work can be so fulfilling and at the same time weigh heavily our souls. How do you take time for self-care?

Self-care is tough for me. In the field of social work, self-care is touted as a solution to moral injury and structural oppression of all kinds--which is pretty gaslighting when you think about it because it tells people who are experiencing those things that the way they feel about it is their problem. On top of that, self-care has become such an economic market, where brands capitalize on the term to sell anything and everything they can. At the same time, I love the idea of self-care — because in a broken system, what could be more radical and powerful than taking your wellbeing into your own hands? Right now my self-care is prayer. Because I can find the time to pray every day and it doesn’t cost a thing.

How would you describe yourself in 3 words or phrases?

Sneezes like a horse, good listener, great ass. Something like that.

We love a confident woman, what do you feel is the sexiest thing about you?

My deep and abiding mystery, which is also sparkly. Like a star at the bottom of the ocean.

What triggers nostalgic memories for you?

Everything really. Food, scent, looking at books, feeling the seasons change. Nostalgia gets a bad rap. I have a big bank of rich, delicious memories that enrich my present by reminding me of the poignant, squirrely, cyclical arc of my life.

Can you tell us about something you’re working on right now?

An essay about jealousy.

What makes you unique?

Being homeschooled for so long definitely made me weird.

What makes you feel confident and cool?

Honestly — being your little sister! Some people talk about being in the shadow of the older sibling but you did the opposite for me. All my life people would light up when they met me, just because they knew I was your little sis. You knew about darkness too somehow and rebelled against it with music and dancing. You sat me down and made me listen to Hurricane by Bob Dylan all the way through. And Lauren Hill, so many Lauren Hill songs.

What are you reading right now?

I’m almost finished with the Carl Jung autobiography “Memories, Dreams, Reflections.” It’s taken me a very long time to read because it makes you daydream.

Is there a quote that is particularly meaningful to you?

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished” — Lao Tzu

Photos by Taylor Westly

Hannah Westly upcycled romper drinking wine